The Art of Ann

For Ann Swinburne, art was her life and her life was high art. Whether performing on the Broadway stage, or riding the crest of New York society, Ann exhibited the flawless skill and spontenaiety of a seasoned professional. Accompanied by
fame - and fortunes - Ann's life is a testament to a bygone era. Lovingingly compiled by an equally formidable presence - her granddaughter, Liane Schirmer. 2009


If all the world's a stage, said she,

Then I'll be no mere player,

I'll show what cunning wits I have

Why no one shall be gayer,

I'll seize the moment and the day

To laugh, to flirt, to cling and stray

To row and rage and weep and lie,

I'll suffer, torture, groan, then die

I'll squander not a moment hence,

but play with all art's arrogance.

I'll strut upon this stage of life

As lover, mother, friend and wife

I'll star in war, I'll star in peace

I'll be or not be what I please

I'll spend what pennies I procure

In work or love or gambling tour

And no one shall outshine my star

The art of a woman is greater by far.

c. LS 2009

March 12, 2009

Age Before Beauty - A Symphony of "S's"

Summer. 1965. New York or St. Jean Cap Ferrat, South of France.
Ann holds court with Marcel Erkart and Iris Flores Schirmer (daughter-in-law number two).
Legend has it that Somerset Maugham often sang for his supper chez Ann, being an old dear chum of hers. However, one evening, upon his entrance, he was met by Ann and Iris at the door. As the three of them proceeded into the parlor, Ann quite naturally took the lead, leaving a bewildered Iris in her wake.
Maugham was said to have looked kindly at the younger Mrs. "S" smile and quip, "Age before beauty, my dear."
Though both the latter and the former Mrs. "S's" treated each other with respect, no love was lost between the divas of stage and screen. Ann had never been accustomed to sharing the bill with anyone, even less so in her role of society matron. As far as she was concerned, she was the real Mrs. "S", and anyone who acquired the title afterwards was a mere pretender to the throne.

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