Mrs. Munroe had two Irish sisters, Catherine and Nora, in her permanent, if peripatetic employ. Upon first meeting them, I was informed that they were "personal" maids. As if being a maid is anything but personal. I was told they helped her dress, packed and unpacked her numerous suitcases, set out her jewellry and accesories for the evening, and tended to other details of Madame's toilette. Apparently Grandmother was unable - or far too busy - to attend to such matters herself.
They were "of an age", a fact which led me to believe that they had been a part of her household for many many years. They were often referred to in tandem, and for the longest time I failed to realize that "CatN'Nora" were actually two individuals. To me, they might as well have been twins, in their matching uniforms, caps and aprons. They labored swiftly, silently and industriously in the background, anticipating Ann's every whim. In short, they were the stage managers behind the longest running show on the East Side, and took a tremendous amount of pride in assuring only rave reviews. Once they had prepared the star for her entrance onto the evening's stage, they would stand behind her, admiringly, clucking to themselves with great satisfaction. Heaven help them if Mrs. Vanderpugh across the street stole any of Madame's thunder!
All day they would run to and fro, arranging, fixing, sewing, pressing, cleaning, hanging, folding. The two of them, talking to themselves, would crisscross the apartment hundreds of times, trying to get everything, "Just so." Their efforts would culminate in the elaborate ritual known as dressing for dinner, in which the lady of the household, Mrs. Munroe, would be clad and coiffed in a manner befitting a doyenne of society. This entailed a myriad of talents, which when combined, resulting in the perfect outfit to match the occasion. The effect - effortless, but the execution took hours of planning and preparation.
This particular evening, Anne would be attending a performance of "Der Rosenkavalier" at the Met, followed by a light apres-theater supper in a chic private club. Ann requested velvet, being that it was January, but it was Cat and Nora's unerring eye(s) that matched the burgundy velvet gown with black suede shoes and an ostrich feather cape. Ann stopped, stunned, as she sampled the outfit in front of the mirror. Seasonal, yet sensational. A slight smile crossed her lips, which she had painted in a deep shade of red. "Yes, there will be no other like it!". Cat and Nora sighed with relief. It had taken years to reach such levels of fashion anticipation.
When the final clasp was clipped, and the errant earring retrieved, CatN'Nora took the requisite two steps backward, signifying the end of their labors. Ann stared at her reflected perfection. "Lovely," she uttered, and with nary a glance in their direction, strode out of her chambers.
Upon reaching the entry hall, Ann would announce her departure to the household by chirping,
"Goodnight, Cat, goodnight Nora. And thank you.....(studied pause) Do have a look round the parlor and tidy up if you will. You know Marie can be forgetful."
They would nod in acknowledgement, and enjoy a chuckle. Cat jumps in, "Yes, of course, Madame. Young people today...all they think about going to the picture show." Nora retorts, "They've got no idea what it means to be in service!" They shake their heads, nodding in smug tandem pleasure. As the butler opens the front door, CatN'Nora catch a last glimpse at their heroine, looking every inch the leading lady. They smile to themselves in satisfaction, cooing with subdued delight. "Shall we tidy up then, Nora," Cat queried.
Their work is done for the day. The grand apartment, now hushed and dormant, feels oddly empty without Mrs. "M". Cat whisks a full ashtray from the edge of a table, "Just look at that. Why by tomorrow surely it would've fallen straight onto the Aubusson carpet." Cat gives the parlor a last glance, then places her hand underneath a heavy beaded shade. The last lamp's light disappears with a "click".
Nora smiles slyly at her sibling. "Well then, shall we have ourselves a nice cuppa and some of those shortbread cookies Uncle Seamus brought back from Ireland?"
"Indeed, Nora," Cat sighed, her posture, so straight throughout the day, relaxed into an exhausted "S". "Yes, indeed!"
LS 2009
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